Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs – CANADA

 Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs – CANADA: Are you looking for exciting opportunities in the world of industrial cleaning jobs in Canada? Look no further! We, as experts in the field, are here to provide you with all the information you need about Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs in Canada. This comprehensive guide will cover every aspect of this industry, from job prospects to the skills required, and everything in between.

Operator Industrial Cleaning Vacancies Job Detail

Complete Information of Achieve together Jobs.

Department Operator Industrial Cleaning Vacancies Job
Salary £1200
Posted on 23 Oct, 2023
Deadline 31 Nov, 2023
Education Intermediate
Experience Fresh
Job Type Temporary


 Understanding the Industrial Cleaning Sector

 What are Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs?

Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs in Canada involve a variety of cleaning and maintenance tasks, particularly in industrial settings. These settings include factories, warehouses, production facilities, and more. Operators in this field are responsible for ensuring the cleanliness and safety of these environments.

Job Outlook

The industrial cleaning sector in Canada is thriving, and there’s a growing demand for skilled professionals. With a strong emphasis on workplace safety and hygiene, businesses across the country are actively seeking qualified operators to maintain their facilities.

Qualifications and Skills

 Essential Qualifications

To excel in Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs in Canada, a few essential qualifications are required. These qualifications may include:

High School Diploma: Most positions require at least a high school diploma or equivalent.
Certifications: Certifications in industrial cleaning, health and safety, and first aid can be a significant advantage.
– Experience: While not always necessary, prior experience in a related field can boost your chances of landing a job.

 Key Skills

1. Attention to Detail: Operators need to spot and address even the smallest issues to ensure the highest standards of cleanliness.
2. Physical Stamina: The work can be physically demanding, so being in good shape is crucial.
3. Problem-Solving: Operators should be able to troubleshoot issues and adapt to unique cleaning challenges.
4. Safety Awareness: Prioritizing safety is non-negotiable.

 Job Responsibilities

Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs in Canada come with various responsibilities, such as:

Cleaning and Maintenance: Cleaning and sanitizing industrial equipment, floors, and surfaces.
Equipment Operation: Operating specialized cleaning equipment and tools.
– Safety Procedures: Ensuring all cleaning tasks are performed safely and according to guidelines.

 Job Opportunities

The industrial cleaning sector offers diverse job opportunities. Here are some of the roles you can explore:

Industrial Cleaner: This is the most common entry-level position, involving general cleaning tasks.
Supervisor: With experience, you can move into a supervisory role, overseeing cleaning operations.
Specialized Cleaner: Some industries require specialized cleaning, such as cleanrooms or hazardous materials cleanup.

 How to Find Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs in Canada

Online Job Portals

There are several online job portals where you can search for Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs in Canada. Some of the popular ones include:

Company Websites

Many companies post job listings directly on their websites. Check out the websites of potential employers for job openings.

 Salary and Benefits

Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs in Canada can be financially rewarding. Salaries can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and the industry you work in. On average, industrial cleaners in Canada can expect to earn between $15 to $25 per hour.

In addition to competitive pay, many employers offer benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and opportunities for career advancement.

 The Future of Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs

The future of Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs in Canada looks promising. As businesses continue to prioritize cleanliness and safety, the demand for skilled operators will only grow. This sector provides job security and opportunities for career growth.

What is an industrial cleaning operator?

An industrial cleaning operator, often referred to as an industrial cleaner or cleaning technician, is a professional responsible for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in industrial settings. This role involves the thorough cleaning and maintenance of various industrial facilities, such as factories, warehouses, manufacturing plants, and other large-scale industrial environments. Industrial cleaning operators play a crucial role in ensuring that these workspaces meet strict cleanliness and safety standards.

Their primary responsibilities typically include tasks such as:

1. Cleaning and Sanitization: Industrial cleaning operators are responsible for cleaning and sanitizing various surfaces, equipment, and machinery within industrial facilities. This includes removing dirt, dust, grime, and potentially hazardous substances to maintain a safe and clean working environment.

2. Operation of Specialized Equipment: Many industrial cleaning tasks require the use of specialized cleaning equipment and tools, such as power washers, industrial vacuum cleaners, and scrubbing machines. These operators are trained to use these tools efficiently.

3. Safety Procedures: Safety is a top priority in industrial cleaning. Operators must follow strict safety protocols to protect themselves and others while working with potentially dangerous cleaning agents and equipment.

4. Environmental Considerations: Some industrial cleaning operators may also be involved in environmental cleanup tasks, such as handling hazardous materials or cleaning up after spills to ensure that no harm is done to the environment.

5. Compliance with Regulations: Industrial cleaning operators often need to adhere to government and industry-specific regulations related to cleanliness and safety. They ensure that their cleaning practices meet these standards.

What is an example of industrial cleaning?

An example of industrial cleaning is the thorough cleaning and maintenance of a manufacturing facility. This process involves a series of tasks aimed at ensuring that the industrial environment is clean, safe, and conducive to efficient production. Here’s an example of what industrial cleaning might involve:

1. Debris Removal: Industrial cleaning operators would start by removing any loose debris, such as dust, dirt, and loose materials, from the floors, surfaces, and machinery in the facility. This might involve sweeping, vacuuming, or using industrial-grade air blowers.

2. Deep Cleaning: Next, they would perform deep cleaning tasks. For instance, cleaning and sanitizing workstations, production equipment, and conveyor belts. This is done using appropriate cleaning agents and disinfectants to ensure that all surfaces are free from contaminants.

3. Machine Cleaning: Industrial cleaning may also involve the disassembly, cleaning, and reassembly of production machinery. This is to prevent the buildup of residue or contaminants that can affect the quality of products or machinery performance.

4. High-Pressure Cleaning: Some industrial environments require high-pressure cleaning, such as power washing. This is used to remove stubborn dirt, grease, and grime from surfaces like walls, floors, and ceilings.

5. Equipment Maintenance: Industrial cleaning operators may inspect and perform routine maintenance on cleaning equipment to ensure they are in good working condition.

6. Waste Disposal: Proper disposal of waste and hazardous materials is another critical aspect of industrial cleaning. Operators need to follow environmental regulations and safety guidelines when handling and disposing of waste.

7. Safety Checks: Ensuring safety is paramount. Industrial cleaning operators need to check for and address any safety hazards, such as oil spills, slippery floors, or damaged equipment.

8. Documentation: Many industrial cleaning processes require proper documentation to track cleaning schedules, the use of cleaning agents, and any issues identified during the cleaning process.

How to do industrial cleaning?

Industrial cleaning is a meticulous process that involves cleaning and maintaining large-scale industrial facilities, such as factories, warehouses, manufacturing plants, and other industrial environments. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to perform industrial cleaning effectively:

1. Safety First:

Before you begin, ensure that you have the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, eye protection, and respiratory masks if necessary. Safety is paramount in industrial cleaning.

2. Planning and Preparation:

– Identify the areas that require cleaning and make a cleaning plan.
– Ensure all equipment and cleaning agents are readily available.
– Notify all employees and workers in the area that cleaning will take place to prevent accidents.

3. Debris Removal:

Start by removing loose debris such as dust, dirt, and loose materials. Sweep, vacuum, or use industrial air blowers to clean floors, surfaces, and machinery.

4. Deep Cleaning:

– Use appropriate cleaning agents and disinfectants to clean and sanitize workstations, production equipment, and conveyor belts.
– Pay special attention to high-touch surfaces and areas where contaminants are likely to accumulate.

5. Machine Cleaning:

– Disassemble, clean, and reassemble production machinery as needed. This ensures there’s no buildup of residue or contaminants that can affect product quality.
– Lubricate moving parts as required.

6. High-Pressure Cleaning:

– Use high-pressure cleaning methods, such as power washing, to remove stubborn dirt, grease, and grime from walls, floors, and ceilings.
– Follow safety guidelines when using high-pressure cleaning equipment.

7. Equipment Maintenance:

Inspect and perform routine maintenance on cleaning equipment to ensure they are in good working condition. Replace or repair any damaged parts.

8. Waste Disposal:

– Proper disposal of waste and hazardous materials is crucial. Follow environmental regulations and safety guidelines when handling and disposing of waste.
– Use labeled containers for hazardous waste and ensure they are properly sealed.

9. Safety Checks:

– Conduct safety checks to identify and address any safety hazards, such as oil spills, slippery floors, or damaged equipment.
– Implement corrective actions to prevent future hazards.

10. Documentation:

– Maintain detailed records of the cleaning process, including schedules, cleaning agents used, issues identified, and safety checks.
– Documentation helps in tracking the cleaning history and ensuring compliance with regulations.

11. Quality Control:

– Implement a quality control process to ensure that all areas are properly cleaned and that equipment is functioning correctly.
– Conduct spot checks to verify the effectiveness of the cleaning process.

12. Training:

Ensure that industrial cleaning operators are well-trained in using cleaning equipment, handling chemicals, and following safety protocols.

13. Continuous Improvement:

Regularly review and improve the industrial cleaning process. Address any issues or challenges that arise during cleaning and update your cleaning plan accordingly.

Industrial cleaning is essential to maintaining a safe and productive work environment. By following these steps and paying attention to safety and quality, you can ensure that your industrial facility remains clean and meets all hygiene and safety standards.

What is the role of a factory cleaner?

The role of a factory cleaner is crucial in maintaining a clean, safe, and productive environment within a manufacturing or industrial facility. Factory cleaners are responsible for a range of cleaning and maintenance tasks to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the factory. Here are the key responsibilities and roles of a factory cleaner:

1. General Cleaning: Factory cleaners are responsible for cleaning various areas within the factory, including production floors, warehouses, offices, restrooms, and break rooms. They ensure that all spaces are free from dust, debris, and contaminants.

2. Sweeping and Vacuuming: Factory cleaners regularly sweep and vacuum floors to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris. This is essential for maintaining a clean and safe working environment.

3. Mopping and Disinfecting: They mop and disinfect floors and surfaces to prevent the spread of germs and maintain a hygienic workspace.

4. Trash Removal: Factory cleaners empty trash cans and dispose of waste properly. They ensure that waste is separated for recycling and follow environmental guidelines.

5. Restroom Cleaning: Keeping restrooms clean and well-maintained is a vital part of the role. This includes cleaning toilets, sinks, and restocking supplies like toilet paper and hand soap.

6. Machine and Equipment Cleaning: They clean and maintain production machinery and equipment, which is crucial to prevent contamination and ensure the efficient operation of the machinery.

7. Chemical Handling: Factory cleaners handle cleaning chemicals and detergents, ensuring that they are used safely and following the manufacturer’s instructions. They are responsible for diluting and mixing cleaning agents.

8. Safety Awareness: Factory cleaners must adhere to strict safety guidelines. They identify and address any safety hazards they encounter during cleaning, such as spills, damaged equipment, or slippery floors.

9. Report Maintenance Issues: If they notice any machinery or equipment that needs repair or maintenance, factory cleaners report these issues to the relevant department to ensure the prompt resolution.

10. Adherence to Regulations: They must comply with any environmental, health, and safety regulations that apply to the cleaning process within an industrial setting.

11. Quality Control: Factory cleaners are responsible for maintaining high standards of cleanliness. They perform quality checks to ensure that all cleaning tasks are completed to satisfaction.

12. Teamwork: They may work as part of a cleaning team, coordinating efforts to cover larger areas efficiently and ensure that all tasks are completed promptly.

13. Documentation: Some factory cleaners are responsible for maintaining records of cleaning schedules, the use of cleaning products, and any safety checks or incidents that occur during their shifts.


In conclusion, Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs in Canada offer a wide range of opportunities for those seeking a career in the cleaning and maintenance industry. With the right qualifications and skills, you can embark on a rewarding journey in a thriving sector.

If you’re ready to kickstart your career in Operator Industrial Cleaning Jobs, start your job search today and explore the countless possibilities awaiting you. Good luck on your journey to success in the world of industrial cleaning!




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